Eliminate blind spots in your marketing and sales strategy with detailed insight on your opportunities, market, accounts, executives and buying groups.

Lay solid, data-informed foundations for successful, efficient, account-centric marketing marketing programs. Identify and engage your target executives on a personalized journey to drive growth.

Agent3’s Insight services provide detailed research into, and analysis around, what you know…as well as what you don’t know! From identifying a critical decision-maker’s strategic priorities, pain points and peers, to understanding a target account, its technology install-base, and competitor or industry perspectives, our Insight solutions turn data, analysis and insight, into marketing and sales actions.


Executive and buying group insight

Drive informed, intelligent sales growth by understanding the stakeholders you’re engaged with as well as identifying and engaging those you don’t currently know.

Whether it’s an individual executive/stakeholder, a buying team, an account or an industry, Agent3’s Executive and Buying Group Insight unlocks the top opportunities and customer priorities, equipping sales and marketing teams to shift from selling solutions to solving business problems via compelling, relevant content and engagement strategies.

Our Insight enables:

  • Stakeholder identification to build account-specific target audiences and understand the executive landscape
  • Executive profiling to understand priorities, pain points and personality preferences
  • Social executive intent to optimize outreach, understand buying triggers and drive executive engagement
Key skills

Stakeholder identification


Executive profiles


Executive dossiers


Executive engagement maps


Buyer personas


Social executive intent


Engagement recommendations


Account & market insight

Understand the priorities for your target accounts, markets and competitors to place your marketing and sales programs on point for success.

How do you select the accounts which will deliver the greatest return? Once you’ve got your target list, how do you engage meaningfully; how are your competitors engaging and how do you differentiate?

We explore the world from the perspective of your customers, prospects and competitors. We unlock the business and technology trends which matter most, the micro and the macro data driving your target accounts’ success, opportunities for your solutions to engage and how you might fare against your competitors.

Then, we make the insight actionable by turning into messaging and personalized positioning, campaign strategies, sales enablement assets and social selling tools.

Key skills

Sector profiles


Account profiles


Opportunity profiles


Stakeholder ID


Sales action packs


B2B intent


Technology and install-base insight

Uncover new sales opportunities, map your solutions to your customers’ and prospects’ needs, expand and accelerate your pipeline and understand their propensity to buy.

By matching technology install-base data with B2B intent data and analysis of your existing pipeline, Agent3 uses insight to drive deal acceleration strategies for short term revenue gains in parallel with long term business growth. This opens up a number of opportunities to sell your solutions into your key accounts.

Key skills

Technology intelligence


IT spend intelligence


Propensity modeling


B2B intent


Install base insights

Prioritise outreach, analyse competitor threat and engage more strategically with install base intelligence.

Our technology install base intelligence service provides a quantitative analysis of competitor penetration within target accounts. Looking at installed competitor products and usage, as well as possible integration products. Helping you to identify accounts with the right technology profile, those with opportunity for cross-sell or competitor displacement, and understand where other vendors might pose a threat.

Key skills

vendor intelligence


Competitor presence, verification and usage


We’ve helped some of the world’s largest brands meet their aggressive goals.

If you’re interested in hearing more
about the Agent3 Group, get in contact —
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