Precision ABM in practice: 1:1 and 1:Few ABM use cases

True 1:1 or 1:few ABM, by definition, treats an account or a small group of accounts as a marketplace of one and requires a high level of resource and focus per account. Given the finite focus of these programs and the associated levels of investment, ‘true 1:1’ ABM tends to be best suited to larger deal sizes with lengthier sales cycles and more complex solution sells, typically anchored around, or building to executive engagement or pursuit marketing use cases. While ‘true 1:Few’ ABM programs allow for a small degree of scalability, this is still limited to a handful of accounts — and therefore still requires a reasonably high level of time and resource investment, usually clustered around a common industry or use case, supporting cluster-wide cross-sell opportunities.


Build richer relationships with the sub-set of customers who can disproportionately propel their growth

We offer proven methodologies and experience to drive targeted precision and clear penetration into critical and must-win deals and accounts where you are up against your most determined competitors. Ultimately, we help grow the lifetime value of your key accounts, improve your win rates in competitive tenders, and increase your customer retention rates.


Deep sales and marketing partnership

Forge tighter alignment around key accounts and clusters, built on objective ‘customer-first’ insights


Deep impact across the '4Rs'

Land meaningful business results to propel sustained growth: Readiness, Reputation, Relationships, and Revenue


Differentiated account rationales and roadmaps

Partner across all customer-facing teams to develop truly relevant, account-personalized propositions and engagement frameworks


Build and grow executive relationships

A scalable framework to help transition from ‘tactical vendor’ to ‘strategic partner’ executive relationships - based on common understanding, shared priorities, and co-authored innovation


A rigorous focus on key pursuits

A structured workflow to identify, accelerate, and close the deals by injecting dedicated insights, targeting, and enablement support throughout the deal cycle

Precision ABM vs ABM at Scale


1:1 and 1:few ABM account selection

We partner with Sales and Marketing leadership teams to align the prioritisation of ABM resources based on a clear understanding of how Sales thinks about account segmentation and how they believe they will make their number. Precision ABM programs are focused on the subset of accounts most likely to generate results, informed by considerations around ‘Opportunity’, ‘Achievability’, and ‘Partnership’. Is there significant upside revenue potential to go after in the accounts? Can we win the business? Do we have cooperative sales representatives to tap into?

Account discovery and insights

Successful ABM programs are predicated on deeply understanding the account(s) in question - and across multiple levels. What external factors are driving change in the market? Which strategic initiatives are shaping the agenda at a Board level? How do these manifest as professional and personal priorities for the decision-makers you want to build relationships with? How can you best understand interest and engagement signals from the account(s) to steer the way you engage them? We offer an extensive portfolio of 1st and 3rd party insight capabilities to sit at the heart of your ABM initiatives.


Differentiated account-specific positioning

Great key account Sales teams have always understood that to stand apart from the competition, they need to depict the value of what they are selling on the customer’s terms rather than their own. Our experienced team of strategists works with Marketing and Sales stakeholders to overcome internal and external complexity, reshaping their narrative for their most critical customers and prospects in ways that affect transformational change.

Account-targeted tactical activation mix

Our content strategists, creatives, and production teams design and execute integrated campaign plans to reach the right people at your accounts, through the right channels, with the right messaging, in the moments that matter. We have a wealth of experience in understanding what works (and what doesn’t) for reaching target stakeholders through online, offline, and Sales-led engagement touchpoints - and how these activities can best be tracked, optimized, and scaled to maximise return on investment.


Meaningful ABM measurement

We believe that a ‘Measure what matters’ mantra is key for proving (and improving) the success of your ABM initiatives. From our experience in running hundreds of ‘Precision’ ABM programs we’ve developed guidance on what to measure, how to build an effective measurement approach, and how best to communicate ABM impact across the organisation. Beyond this foundational consultancy approach, our team of data analysts and marketing technologists can also help you build reporting workflows and measurement dashboards to understand and interpret your program performance in real-time.